We offer camp school to pupils from all over Norway, send us an  e-mail to receive an offer for the week you wish to visit us.

Financing of the camp school stay

Payment for the camp school stay is divided into 2 invoices

  • Invoice from Brennabu AS for board and lodging.
  • Invoice from Vestre Slidre municipality for education. From 01.01.2020 the states earmarked subsidy will be included in the framework subsidy for each municipality. This is a consequence of the fact that there is now a statutory right to camp school for all children in Norway. The legislation on the right to camp school came into force on 01 August 2019. The tuition subsidy from the state, given in the framework transfer to the municipalities, covers most of the tuition costs at Brennabu camp school.

Final invoicing

Invoice is sent the day the pupils arrive at the camp school – according to the details we have received 1 week before arrival. There is a possibility to bring 2 teachers/leaders free of charge per 25 pupils. Other adults that for some reason will join will pay the price of a pupil. If more adults/leaders will join, this must be agreed upon with the camp school in advance so that we can make sure that we have room for them.


A filled-out confirmation form is a binding agreement between Brennabu AS, Vestre Slidre municipality, and the school. The agreement lays the foundation for our operations. In cases where the school for different reasons must pull out of the agreement, the deposit will not be paid back. In cases where the contract is breached and the stay is cancelled less than 12 months in advance, the whole stay will be billed.

Gifts and donations

Regulation F-14-03 from the Ministry of Education states; "Section 2-15 of the Education Act does not prevent schools from accepting various forms of gifts (cash gifts, funds from voluntary efforts and class funds, equipment, etc.) whether this is from business, parents, friends' associations or others.

To ensure that gifts and other contributions do not conflict with the right to free primary school education, the following applies:
•Gifts and other contributions must be genuinely voluntary. Neither students nor parents must feel pressured to contribute financially.
•No demand can be made for compensation, for example in the form of advertising.
•Gifts and other contributions must be used so that they benefit the whole group/class or several. All students in the group/class must be allowed to participate in the same activities, regardless of whether their parents have given gifts/other contributions to the school or not.

The legislation adopted on 11.6.19

After the parlament's second hearing of the matter on 11 June, the government's proposal has been adopted:
§ 13-7 b Obligation for the municipality to offer camp school stays or other school trips. As part of primary school education, the municipality must offer pupils a camp school stay or another school trip
with at least three consecutive overnight stays.