Feel free to pay by card
in our kiosk
large and safe outdoor area
Cozy common areas
in the main building and cabins
Ping pong room
with two tables on the premises

Equipment such as football, volleyball, ping pong paddles, frisbee and badminton can be borrowed for free, receipt to be handed in before departure. 


The camp school has an open kiosk two days per week. The kiosk is in the main building. We recommend that the pupils think through what they would like to purchase before arriving. The pupils can pay with cash or card in the kiosk. If you can pay by card, then this is appreciated. Accompanying adults may pay by Vipps.

See price list in the info box to the right. We recommend that the pupils do not bring food, nuts and sweets to the camp school.


The schools will plan and carry out entertainment for about 20 minutes in front of the other pupils. This will take place in Låvin on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, In Låvin one can find a projector, canvas, sound system and connection for PC. If one wishes to use a PC, this must be brought by the class itself. The PC must have either HDMI or VGA connections.

If the pupils want disco, then this shall be carried out by you.  Feel free to create a playlist in advance. For use of the sound system, you will need a mobile phone, a tablet or a laptop. These will need to have a mini-jack port. If you have newer Apple products, you will need a connection from Lightening to mini-jack port.

Microphone and disco lights are available.

Leisure activities

Toboggan hill with evening lights

We have two toboggan hills on the area which can be used. Sliding mats can be borrowed from us.

Ping pong

The camp school has a ping pong room placed between the main building and Låvin. There are two ping pong tables. The class with a teacher can borrow paddles, but feel free to bring your own.


Eldstogo is a large wooden tipi with a fireplace in the middle. This can be used for gatherings and bonfires. Seats approximately 30 pupils.

Football- and volleyball field

There is a dedicated football- and beach volleyball field on our property. Feel free to bring your own gear, or you may borrow from us.  

Disco golf

We have a disc golf course with 12 baskets here at Brennabu. Feel free to bring your own frisbee, or you may borrow from us.   

Motorics park

Outdoor activity park/obstacle course with equipment such as balancing labyrinth, climbing, exciting hiking trails, obstacles etc.

Ski trails

During the winter, the skiing trails go through our area. 

Money for kiosk and price list

The sum per pupils we recommend that is agreed upon during a class/parenting meeting. We recommend NOK 200, - per pupil for the camp school stay. More can be brought in case one wants to buy clothing in the kiosk. T-shirts, hoodies, hats and buffs.

The pupils are responsible themselves for money and valuables which are brought to the camp school. We ask that pupils and teachers talk about this in advance and find a good solution to how money and valuables shall be kept during the stay. Teachers/leaders get rooms with a lock (pupils are not allowed to lock their rooms).

Price list

Games and playing cards

The camp school does not provide playing cards, games etc for lending. Feel free to bring your own if needed.

Phone contact

We do not provide phone for the pupils. If one wishes to contact ones child, this has to be agreed upon together with the teacher.