Two adults free of charge
per 25 pupils
Full id number
to book transport for medical assistance

We recommend a minimum of 1 teacher per 10 pupils, unless there are students with 1 to 1. We give to leaders a free stay per 25 pupils, and one additional adult for each 10th pupil after this. Additional leaders after this will only pay the price of a pupil.

Distribution of responsibilities

During the camp school day, there will be a distribution of the main contact with the pupils between the different “parties”. The camp schoolteacher has the main contact during the educational time between 09.30 and 16.30. Brennabu operations has the main contact during the meals, and during arrival/departure. Adults accompanying the class during the camp school stay has the main contact during the remaining times.

We conduct a fire safety round at 22.30, and there will be a sleeping night watch in case of emergencies at night. The camp schoolteachers will be responsible during the educational programs. Apart from this, the legal responsibility for the pupils always stays with the home school, and this cannot be transferred to others.


  • Assist in the teaching programs during the educational hours, for strengthen the adult contact, and to ensure safety. To be agreed upon after arrival.
  • Make sure that the pupils attend at the right time during the educational programs and meals, also during wakeup calls in the morning.
  • Take care of disciplinary problems in one’s own class.
  • Meet with the camp school staff and the other class teachers.
  • Make sure that the pupils requiring/need medication gets the right medication. Camp school staff does not hand out medication.
  • Pupils requiring an assistant must bring this from their home school.

Sleeping outside

At the camp school, the pupils may sleep outside. We accommodate for this, but the guest teachers must take responsibility at night. We have class kits with hammocks, sleeping mats, and tarps. We can also assist in organizing hammock camps. In addition to this we also have a large wooden tipi where there is sufficient room for camping outside. The pupils must bring their own sleeping bags.  

Expectations of accompanying adults

It is expected that accompanying adults participate in both outdoor- and indoor activities. This can range from skiing- and snowshoe trips during the winter and canoeing and mountain hikes during the spring/autumn.

We divide the pupils into groups of 20-30 pupils. The camp schoolteachers are responsible for each their group, but also expect help from at least one adult per group. For the guest teachers to get enough rest time, we recommend that the adults from the different schools arrange between themselves which parts each of them will cover. The principal at Brennabu will coordinate this at the meeting after your arrival.

Accidents, injury and medical assistance

At Brennabu we have a rule that a medical doctor is contacted in cases where a pupil is hurt. The doctor/doctor’s office registers the pupil and the injury and schedules an appointment for a consultation if they deem it necessary. It is crucial for all parties – both that the pupil gets the necessary follow-up, and for eventual late injuries.

If an accident should occur, the office will assist in calling for a medical doctor and transport for such. The office normally closes at 16.00. The evening contact (see phone list) may be of assistance after closing time. Not that if there is a need for transport, taxies are used, unless immediate help is needed. To order taxi from Pasientreiser,  a full id number is needed (taxi is ordered by the doctor's office).