Camp school teachers
with long experience
Gluten-free and lactose-free
Halal food

Information for parents / guardians of pupils without Norwegian as their mother tongue in primary

Campschool (leirskole)
During the first 6-10 years in school (grunnskole) a school-week in a campschool may be offered the class. It is then a part of the grunnskole- teaching and is not considered voluntary when first offered. If for some reason the child cannot take part in the campschool –week, it still has to go to school while the others are away this week. It is, however, of great value that the whole class take part in this week together.

Most schools choose to place their campschool-week during 6th or 7th grade. The booking of such a week is normally done 5 or 6 years in advance. During the years prior to the stay the planning and expectations are important elements in building a good atmosphere in the class. And likewise ; afterwards the shared memories and activities during such a week is important for the teambuilding of the class. When the children arrive the campschool, they are well taken care of concerning board and lodging and activities.

All the activities are however secure and safe and the pupils are equipped by all required safety-gear. The children need clothes that can be worn in all kinds of mountain weather. That implies layers of wool (especially during winter) underneath windproof garments. We can also lend out clothes to those who need extra.

Brennabu leirskole. Lærer hjelper med klatresele.
Camp school teacher helps pupil with climbing harness
Skileik 2021
The camp school is located in the middle of fantastic hiking terrain with no risk of landslides in winter or other dangers of traveling outside

The importance of campschool
The costs of camp school will not be of extra cost to any home, but is paid by the commune or by work that the class take on together. Leirskole / Campschool's primary aim is to let the children see and learn about a different geographic and environmental milieu that that of their home school. The pupils also get to know their classmates better and they are challenged on new activities Maybe even master things that they did not think they would or could. They also learn the importance of a good friendship and of being a support to each other during such a week.

The kitchen cook food meant for children and also prepare diet meals when required either due to religion, food intolerance or allergy. Muslim children are served halal food. The bedrooms of the class are normally situated along the same corridor, and differ in size from 2-6 beds. The bedrooms are naturally divided between boys and girls and practically all the bedrooms have their own bathroom. There are no dormitories or common showers. When receiving larger groups of pupils from the same school we often place boys in one corridor and the girls in another. We wish to welcome children well equipped with clothing (see packing list here and lots of happy expectations,- and we will see to the rest! We guarantee that the children will leave us with new experiences, new knowledge and happy memories.

Fra frokostbuffeten på leirskole. Foto: Christine Stokkebryn
From the buffet in the dining area.
Information about day trips and overnight trips with school








All the activities are however quite secure and safe and the pupils are equipped by all required safety-gear.
The children need clothes that can be worn in all kinds of mountain weather . That implies layers of wool (especially during winter) underneath windproof garments. We can also lend out clothes to those who need extra.